G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (also known as Action Force in the UK) is a half-hour American animated television series created by Ron Friedman. Based on the toyline from Hasbro, the cartoon ran in syndication from 1983 to 1986. This collection includes the G.I. Joe toys at the Knick Knack Toy Shack
My son wants a specific design of cats vs pickles. I have looked in amazon and other site and this the only site I found it. If you are looking for specific toy, this the place to be!
I loved that they got here so fast and we're exactly like pictured. So I found out these were pencil toppers so I got a box of pencils and put them in a Santa little bucket they looked so nice. My GD will love them.
Thank you
I bought one of the World's Smallest Toys Wacky Packages & Garbage Pail Kids trading cards from Knick Knack, on eBay and was satisfied with my purchase. It came quickly and as described. I've bought from them again. Thanks!