Scooby-Doo, is a cartoon series and the adventures of a talking great Dane and his and his mystery-solving teenage companions. Scooby traveled around the United States in a van called the Mystery Machine with his four friends Shaggy, Daphne, Velma, and Fred putting themselves in harm's way and solving mysteries.
My son wants a specific design of cats vs pickles. I have looked in amazon and other site and this the only site I found it. If you are looking for specific toy, this the place to be!
I loved that they got here so fast and we're exactly like pictured. So I found out these were pencil toppers so I got a box of pencils and put them in a Santa little bucket they looked so nice. My GD will love them.
Thank you
I bought one of the World's Smallest Toys Wacky Packages & Garbage Pail Kids trading cards from Knick Knack, on eBay and was satisfied with my purchase. It came quickly and as described. I've bought from them again. Thanks!